Here are some projects that I am proud to have worked on. Other projects can be found on my Github at:
A non-linear text editor/file visualization tool created for my Software Engineering capstone at McMaster University - Recieved A+.
Technologies Used: HTML/CSS, TypeScript, Electron, D3, Hyperapp
A n-particle physics simulator that models the interaction between up to 32,000 particles in empty space - Received A+.
Technologies Used: C++, OpenMP, MPI
An machine learning application that predicts future hazardous weather events for farmers and their crops - Placed 3rd at the 2017 McMaster Engineering Competition.
Technologies Used: Java, Python, Scikit-Learn
An end-to-end machine translation pipeline that can translate English sentences into French using a recurrent neural network (RNN).
Technologies Used: Python, Keras, Jupyter Notebook
A Genetic Cars clone that uses a genetic algorithm to generate cars that race down a virtually generated terrain - Received A+.
Technologies Used: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Box2D
A digital version of the Six Men's Morris board game created to demonstrate knowledge of software engineering principles - Received A+.
Technologies Used: Java
A game to teach first year engineering students Python programming - Recieved runner-up at the McMaster EPIC Game Development Challenge.
Technologies Used: Python, PyGame